No Name Falls on No Name Creek

chain of impressive drops flowing down into Sturgeon River

Cluttered middle drops on No Name Falls
  • Dark swamps
  • Open stretches of water in the swamp
  • Small island in a sea of grass
  • Trickling drop below the swamp
  • Long chain of chutes
  • Dark, leaf covered rocks
  • Small cascades over dark rock
  • Spraying little drops
  • Long slide of white whiter
  • Fanning drop on No Name Falls
  • Split, dripping waters
  • No Name Falls, lower drops
  • Cluttered middle drops on No Name Falls
  • No Name Falls, upper drops

The upper Sturgeon River carves a wide river valley through the Nestoria and Tioga areas with a steep northern slope holding back numerous swamps and ponds. Many of these swamps drain south, down the slope, and form long chains of mediocre rapids along unnamed creeks. One of these creeks stands out.

No Name Falls is at the end of a long set of swamps linked by a creek with no name. The first half of the waterfall is mostly hidden by large boulders, dropped by a towering rock spire to the east. The lower drops are visible and impressive, especially during the spring melt, with multiple plunges and slides before the creek flows into the sluggish upper Sturgeon River.


From Herman, a small town south of L'Anse, head down the Herman-Nestoria Road for 3 miles. Park at the two-track that forks off to the right. There is a small area to pull-off near the main road; it is flooded a short distance south, a spot best waded through and not driven (for most normal vehicles). After crossing this there are two possible routes.

Without a GPS and coordinates it may be safest to follow the swamp downstream. There are only two tough sections when the swamp moves inland, across your path, that may be confusing. Otherwise this route is up and down a lot of outcroppings and not too difficult to follow. There are three swampy sections and two quick-moving rapids to pass before reaching No Name Falls. Just keep the swamps and open water to your left.

For an easier but more winding route stick to the two-track, keeping on the main path (there are a few overgrown forks). Turn left at the fork at 1.2 miles, veering south and then back east, towards a donut pond, until the path gets swampy after 1.1 miles. There should be another, less defined fork to the right. Take this up to the top of the ridge, keeping the steep downhill to your right as you continue east. No Name Falls is the first significant drop along your path east, beyond another swampy section, about .3 miles from the last fork.

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