Silver Falls on Silver River

popular set of drops near Huron Bay

Lower chute and waterfall on Silver River
  • Interesting rock formations around the upper chute
  • Boulders strewn through the river
  • Lower chute and waterfall on Silver River
  • Up across the pool
  • Mist hanging over Silver River
  • Peeking around to the falls
  • Looking up the rock face
  • Close to the sideways slide
  • Lower Silver Falls
  • Swollen waters in the lower chutes
  • Spotting of snow around the parking area
  • Looking across the upper slide
  • An old railroad crossing above the falls

Silver Falls, or Lower Silver Falls, is a well-known waterfall just off of Skanee Road a short distance upstream of Huron Bay. There is a nice parking area and outhouse here along with several paths leading up and around the different drops here. The roads are reasonably maintained and the area is well frequented by tourists and locals alike.

There are actually two falls here, although most people are only familiar with the lower ones near the parking area. A set of two chutes seperated by a rocky little pool, the lower falls are surrounded with impressive basalt outcroppings and large pine trees. The lower of the two chute empties into a deep little pool over a dramatic blocky plunge that forms an idyllic swimming spot.

The upper half of Silver Falls is located a quarter mile upstream and is much less accessible. A narrow and broken trail leads up the river bank to a large sideways slide over rugged basalt below a narrow chute that still features the footings of an old railroad bridge. Silver River flows through the narrowed opening, pools briefly above the slope, before plunging down sideways and crashing into the opposite bank, twisted back on a northern flow. This upper drop is much larger than the lower, more visited, waterfall.


Head northeast out of L'Anse on Skanee Road for about 7 miles before turning right at a little brown access sign near the bottom of a hill. This track is Silver Falls Road and it forks after .6 miles. Take the left fork to view the main falls, parking in the open parking area and following the paths down to the river to view all the drops.

To visit the upper, less-popular drops, go straight at the fork and park on the sandy pull off before the road runs right into the river itself. Head upstream a few hundred yards to the falls. There is a path that leads along the bank, though it may be difficult to make out in the undergrowth. There is no easy path connecting the upper and lower falls, although backtracking along the road to the fork is not a long walk.

Comments (4)

  • Mark Piotrowski Jul 14, '16 Hi Jacob-On your map, Middle Silver River Falls are pictured twice, once in the correct location and again where Silver Falls should be. Just Sayin.
    • Jacob P Emerick Jul 21, '16 Ugh, bad javascript selector. Thanks for pointing it out. I added a fix, though it may be a few days before it gets pushed out - my build system is backed up with a breaking change :(
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  • Nancy Haun Oct 21, '16 Hey Jacob-I have been calling what you call the Upper Half of Silver falls-Abutement Falls cuz of obvious reasons! lol They are gorgeous! WE have been going around the long waay and will now try the bank trail-thanks for the info! Nancy
    • Jacob P Emerick Oct 24, '16 Hey Nancy, yeah, that name makes a lot of sense! Have you tried following the old grade? I've thought about following it upriver to see how many more abutments there are along the way (and maybe finding some more rapids between lower and middle) but never got around to it.
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