displaying 1 ~ 3 of journal entries with copper falls

The Jacobs-Copper Falls Loop
An ambitious plan to hike the lengths of Jacobs and Owl Creek in one large loop introduces a number of new Keweenaw waterfalls and some hard lessons
- Jacob's Falls
- Upper Jacob's Falls
- Arnold Mine Falls
- Upper Copper Falls
- Copper Falls
- Copper Adit Falls
- Eister Falls
- Haven Falls

Dry Creeks of the Keweenaw
An impatient Faith convinces Jacob to head out for a quick autumn trip to the Keweenaw and a few familiar waterfalls.
- Copper Falls
- Ripley Falls

Tough Morning in the Keweenaw
The summer is halfway over. Hoping to finish the Keweenaw Jacob takes Logan for a long adventure from Calumet all the way to Lac la Belle.
- Copper Falls
- Eister Falls
- Fenner's Falls
- Gardener's Falls
- Montreal Falls
- Upper Montreal Falls
displaying 1 ~ 3 of journal entries with copper falls