Page 1 of Legendary Hiking Stories with herman

The real Daults Falls

Quick Spring Stops in Baraga

On the way home from an overnight stay at Michigan Tech, Jacob makes a few quick stops around Herman and Alberta to revisit some familiar waterfalls

  • Upper Silver River Falls
  • Dault's Falls
  • Canyon River Falls
  • Upper Falls
Solid dome of water over rock

Long Hikes at Huron and Silver River

Warm weather lures Jacob and Logan out for an all-day adventure that includes the upper reaches of Huron River and the highlands east of Herman.

  • Leatherby Falls
  • Upper Leatherby Falls
  • Lower Leatherby Falls
  • Erick's Falls
  • West Branch Falls
  • Harley Falls
  • Upper Silver Falls
Wide, dying swamp

Logan Unleashed at No Name Falls

During an ambitious attempt to find No Name Falls in the general Herman area Logan decides to run unleashed.

  • No Name Falls
Closed bridge over the river

Upper Silver Falls with Katie

On a whim Katie and Jacob head over to Herman and search for the upper drops of Upper Silver from the south side, below the old bridge.

  • Upper Silver Falls
A rocky walk upstream

To Herman with Faith and Steele

Faith, Steele, Jacob and Logan head down to L'Anse to visit Falls River Falls and Upper Silver Falls on a hut summer day.

  • Middle Falls
  • Upper Silver Falls
  • Upper Falls
The upper drops of the falls

Celotex Road and Upper Silver Falls

After some bad news Jacob heads out alone to Herman to try to find falls and almost gets the Ford Taurus stuck in the mud.

  • Upper Silver Falls
Makeshift bridge over Silver River

Retreat from Harley Falls

Ignoring the thunderstorm warnings Jacob heads out to the Herman area to find some waterfalls and is forced to make a hasty retreat.

  • Harley Falls

Activity Stream

  • Read 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
  • Read Elantris (Elantris, #1) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read It by Stephen King.
  • Read Mistborn Trilogy (Mistborn, #1-3) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson.
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