Page 1 of Legendary Hiking Stories with nestoria swamp

A dark trek into the woods

Dark Hiking on the Tama Siding

Determined to hunt down Upper Sturgeon River Falls, Jacob heads out in the woods hours before the sunrise

  • Little Spruce Falls
  • Powerhouse Falls
  • Middle Silver Falls
  • Gomanche Falls
  • Vista Falls
  • Sturgeon River Falls
  • Ogemaw Falls
Sun over the frosty, mossy woods

Sleet over the Tama Siding Line

Ignoring the cold and rainy forecast Jake takes Cory and Faith out to the Yellow Dog and a surprise visit to the Nestoria Swamp.

  • Pinnacle Falls
  • Wylie Dam Falls
  • Little Spruce Falls
A wide, grassy swath

Retrieval Mission to the Nestoria Swamp

Katie, Cory, and Jacob head back out to the Nestoria swamps in hopes of finding some lost gear from a most terrible night.

  • Little Spruce Falls
Lake Independence visible through the bare trees

Fateful Trip on the Herman-Nestoria

After an ambitious trip through the northern reaches of Marquette County, Jacob and his friends get lost in a swamp.

  • Twin Falls
  • Alder Falls
  • Dee Lundeen Falls
  • Little Spruce Falls
Wide, dying swamp

Logan Unleashed at No Name Falls

During an ambitious attempt to find No Name Falls in the general Herman area Logan decides to run unleashed.

  • No Name Falls
Bright splash of color  surrounded by green

Point Abbaye in the Twilight

Returning to the Herman-Nestoria swamp, Jacob and Katie attempt to follow old logging roads to find No Name Falls. And they visit Point Abbaye.

  • No Name Falls
Makeshift bridge over Silver River

Retreat from Harley Falls

Ignoring the thunderstorm warnings Jacob heads out to the Herman area to find some waterfalls and is forced to make a hasty retreat.

  • Harley Falls

Activity Stream

  • Read 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
  • Read Elantris (Elantris, #1) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read It by Stephen King.
  • Read Mistborn Trilogy (Mistborn, #1-3) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson.
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